Don't forget to check the tutorial below!
Generally, I'm not an algos type of guy and dislike leetcode stuff, but it was one of the rare interview challenges that seemed useful from a frontend perspective. It essentially contained 2 parts:
The fun part is that I didn't manage to solve this problem correctly in time during the interview, because I made a critical mistake of trying to write the code in a browser console, which led me to some really stupid mistakes related to array splice/pop methods (they weren't throwing errors, but doing some silly stuff instead), that would be easily highlighted by TS or any linter. And as you can imagine, trying to debug algo that may be doing 10000s of iterations in a browser console is not a fun experience, especially when a problem is in some nested while loop. But I liked the challenge and decided to finish and polish it later in my free time, so here we are!
Tutorials will mostly be covering a general overview of the implementation with a few code embeds here and there. Full code with comments is always available on github (linked below) and codepen.
Also, if reading SCSS code with parent references nesting is too much trouble, you can always check compiled CSS in codepen to see the final classes and styles.
So, you are given a chess board, which is usually at least 5x5 size, and a knight positioned somewhere on it, and you need to move that knight sequentially all around the board until you'll visit all of the cells, without repeating any moves. And in case you forgot, knight moves in L shape (2 steps in one direction and then 1 step in a perpendicular direction). How hard it can be?
Well, if you are interested in ultra-nerdy coverage of this topic, then you can always check this wiki page called Knight's tour, but here I will be showing you my smooth brain solution (aka CSS guy tries to do algo stuff).
So here is a rough overview of how the algorithm solver works:
Let's go over the code. First, we'll start with helper functions:
type PossibleMoves = number[][];
// gets all possible moves for a given cell while considering the board constraints
function getPossibleMoves(
h: number,
v: number,
x: number,
y: number,
): PossibleMoves {
const result = [];
const left = x - 2;
const right = x + 2;
const top = y - 2;
const bottom = y + 2;
if (left >= 0) {
if (y - 1 >= 0) {
result.push([left, y - 1]);
if (y + 1 <= v - 1) {
result.push([left, y + 1]);
if (right <= h - 1) {
if (y - 1 >= 0) {
result.push([right, y - 1]);
if (y + 1 <= v - 1) {
result.push([right, y + 1]);
if (top >= 0) {
if (x - 1 >= 0) {
result.push([x - 1, top]);
if (x + 1 <= h - 1) {
result.push([x + 1, top]);
if (bottom <= v - 1) {
if (x - 1 >= 0) {
result.push([x - 1, bottom]);
if (x + 1 <= h - 1) {
result.push([x + 1, bottom]);
return result;
/* given possible moves for a particular cell, it filters out moves that are already taken
and sorts in ascending order the remaining moves by the number of possible moves each target cell has
this allows us to minimize the amount of possible "ophan cells" when we are running the solver
without it solver pretty much dies on 8x8 board most of the time, with it we can do 10x10 and even more sometimes
function getFilteredMoves(
moves: PossibleMoves,
takenMovesPositions: string[],
cellsMoves: Record<string, PossibleMoves>,
) {
return moves.filter((m) => {
return !takenMovesPositions.includes(stringifyPosition(m[0], m[1]));
}).sort((a, b) => {
return cellsMoves[stringifyPosition(a[0], a[1])]?.length - cellsMoves[stringifyPosition(b[0], b[1])]?.length;
// creates mapping of all possible moves for each cell
const getCellsMoves = (h: number, v: number) => {
return rangeFromZero(h * v).reduce((acc, cellIndex) => {
const cellX = cellIndex % h;
const cellY = Math.floor(cellIndex / h);
const position = stringifyPosition(cellX, cellY);
acc[position] = getPossibleMoves(h, v, cellX, cellY);
return acc;
}, {} as Record<string, PossibleMoves>);
// this simplifies usage of object mapping, where every cell can be represented as x-y string
export function stringifyPosition(x: number, y: number) {
return `${x}-${y}`;
And here is the solver code:
export type Solution = string[];
export function solveMoves(
h: number, // horizontal size of the board
v: number, // vertical size
initialX: number, // initial X position of the knight
initialY: number, // initial Y position
): Solution {
const t1 =;
const cellsMoves = getCellsMoves(h, v);
const takenMoves = [stringifyPosition(initialX, initialY)];
const pastAlternativeMoves: PossibleMoves[] = [];
const numOfCells = h * v;
let move = [initialX, initialY];
while (takenMoves.length < numOfCells) {
const position = stringifyPosition(move[0], move[1]);
const possibleMoves = getFilteredMoves(cellsMoves[position], takenMoves, cellsMoves);
move = possibleMoves[0];
let restMoves = possibleMoves.slice(1);
let lastAlternativeMoves;
/* if there are no possible moves for the current cell,
we are removing the last item from pastAlternativeMoves and assigning it to lastAlternativeMoves
while (!move && (lastAlternativeMoves = pastAlternativeMoves.pop())) {
takenMoves.pop(); // removing last taken move from our solution, since it was a dead end
// if lastAlternativeMoves has possible moves, then we are continuing our top-level while loop as usual
// but if it doesn't, this while loop with pop repeats again and again until we can find an alternative cell in history with possible moves
if (lastAlternativeMoves?.length) {
// wrapping it in parentheses allows us to assign it to let variables with destructuring, without needing to create new intermediate let variables
([move, ...restMoves] = lastAlternativeMoves);
// if we arrive to this point and "move" is undefined, it means that we have no more possible moves
if (!move) {
console.log('no solution');
return rangeFromZero(numOfCells).map(() => {
return stringifyPosition(-1, -1); // placeholder values for no solution
takenMoves.push(stringifyPosition(move[0], move[1]));
console.log('Chess Knight Moves solver time taken', - t1);
return takenMoves;
In the end, we gonna receive an array of positions (like ["2-2", "0-1", ...]) from the solver, that we can use to visualize the movement of the chess knight on a board.
Here is how it works:
React code:
export interface Props {
boxSize?: number;
xSize?: number;
ySize?: number;
startX?: number;
startY?: number;
stepAnimationTime?: number;
function ChessKnightMovesDemo({
boxSize = 60,
xSize = 6,
ySize = 6,
startX = 3,
startY = 3,
stepAnimationTime = 0.2,
}: Props) {
const [isMoving, setIsMoving] = useState(false);
const [moves, setMoves] = useState<Solution>([]);
const [knightX, setKnightX] = useState(startX - 1);
const [knightY, setKnightY] = useState(startY - 1);
const startDelayRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout>();
const intervalRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout>();
const moveKnight = (solution: Solution) => {
let index = 1; // initial knight position is 0, so in animation we need to start at 1
// initial interval that changes knight position every stepAnimationTime seconds until it reaches the end
intervalRef.current = setInterval(() => {
const [x, y] = solution[index].split('-').map(Number);
index += 1;
if (index >= solution.length) {
}, stepAnimationTime * 1000);
// run once on mount, which also reruns on component key change reset
useEffect(() => {
const solution = solveMoves(xSize, ySize, knightX, knightY);
startDelayRef.current = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// clear timeouts/intervals on component unmount in case it's still running. Also clear on key change reset
return () => {
if (startDelayRef.current) {
if (intervalRef.current) {
}, []);
const styleObj = {
'--box-size': `${boxSize}px`,
'--x-size': xSize,
'--y-size': ySize,
'--knight-x': knightX,
'--knight-y': knightY,
'--step-at': `${stepAnimationTime}s`,
} as React.CSSProperties;
return (
<div className={cn('chess', { 's--moving': isMoving })} style={styleObj}>
alt="Chess Knight"
{/* render borderless chess cells */}
{rangeFromZero(xSize * ySize).map((i) => {
const x = i % xSize;
const y = Math.floor(i / xSize);
const position = stringifyPosition(x, y);
const moveIndex = moves.findIndex((move) => position === move);
return (
left: x * boxSize,
top: y * boxSize,
{moveIndex !== -1 && (
<p style={{ '--move-index': moveIndex } as React.CSSProperties}>
{/* render vertical board borders */}
{rangeFromZero(xSize + 1).map((i) => (
className="chess__line chess__line--y"
'--x': i,
'--delay': getBorderDelayIndex(i, xSize),
} as React.CSSProperties
{/* render horizontal board borders */}
{rangeFromZero(ySize + 1).map((i) => (
className="chess__line chess__line--x"
'--y': i,
'--delay': getBorderDelayIndex(i, ySize),
} as React.CSSProperties
// borders in the middle getting lowest delay, borders on the edges getting highest delay
function getBorderDelayIndex(index: number, size: number) {
return Math.abs(Math.round(size) / 2 - index);
And styles:
.chess {
$parentRef: &;
// default values, overridden by react component
--box-size: 60px;
--x-size: 6;
--y-size: 6;
--knight-x: 3;
--knight-y: 3;
--step-at: 0.2s;
display: flex;
flex-shrink: 0;
width: calc(var(--box-size) * var(--x-size));
height: calc(var(--box-size) * var(--y-size));
@mixin isMoving {
#{$parentRef}.s--moving & {
@keyframes fadeInKnight {
to {
opacity: 0.5;
&__knight {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: var(--box-size);
height: var(--box-size);
will-change: transform, opacity;
transition: transform var(--step-at), opacity 0.3s;
transform: translate(
calc(var(--knight-x) * var(--box-size)),
calc(var(--knight-y) * var(--box-size))
opacity: 0;
animation: fadeInKnight 1s 0.5s forwards;
@include isMoving {
opacity: 1;
&__box {
position: absolute;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: var(--box-size);
height: var(--box-size);
// border: 1px solid #333;
font-size: 20px;
@keyframes fadeIn {
to {
opacity: 1;
p {
opacity: 0;
will-change: opacity;
animation: fadeIn var(--step-at) calc(var(--step-at) * calc(var(--move-index) + 1)) forwards;
@keyframes animateBorder {
to {
transform: scale(1, 1);
&__line {
position: absolute;
background: #333;
will-change: transform;
animation: animateBorder 1s calc(0.2s + var(--delay, 0) * 0.2s) forwards;
&--x {
left: 0;
top: calc(var(--y, 0) * var(--box-size));
width: 100%;
height: 1px;
transform: scale(0, 1);
&--y {
left: calc(var(--x, 0) * var(--box-size));
top: 0;
width: 1px;
height: 100%;
transform: scale(1, 0);
Please follow me on twitter for my latest demos, tutorials and cooked takes.